Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Two Brothers Warehouse

Just a fun drawing of a weird little place on glow-in-the-dark paint on oil on a 43" x 16" octagonal canvas.

This poor thing is all broken and smashed, but I fixed it.

This thing is a mess. I took three panels of monster head drawings and glued it all together with a lot of epoxy resin. It fell and broke, so I glued it back together with more epoxy. I was on the fence with posting this one, but it has some of my favorite drawings so, here it is. 14" x 33"

Sketches from Work

I covered this 3' X 4' canvas with a bunch of little sketches that I drew at work while on the phone, ya know, when you aren't really paying any attention to what you are sketching. It's like letting your sub-conscious take over for a bit. Then I covered it with epoxy resin, sealing in all the magic.

Carpet Mental Eyes

Thirty-three 8" x 10" panels of delicious color, thick epoxy resin and creepy monsters. They all don't have text, but I wanted to show detail on a couple of favorites. There were 36 panels, but two broke and I took out 3 for Neapolitan below.


These are drawings in leftover sticker paper encased in epoxy resin on a block to create some space between the image and the wall. This series was taken from the original Carpet Mental Eyes series because two of them lost corners. Also, I thought it looked nice together and reminds me of Neapolitan ice cream, Yummmmm. 8" x 10" each.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

The Witch and the Owl

It's a witch doing magic or whatever, then an owl stops by to say hi or something. 3' x 4' oil on canvas with epoxy resin.

Buster and Buddie

Buster Brown and Buddie Lee, our pups. R.I.P. Buster Brown the Boxer, we miss you!